Dharma Karma

October 26, 2006 at 8:06 pm (He of the Great Calves, me, myself, I and she)

Dharma and GregOne of my favorite TV shows is Dharma and Greg. Because we spent, oh, about 5 or 6 years, at least, without cable or satellite or any other kind of TV (you don’t get much with an antennae when you’re in the deep mid-west), I’m way behind the times and just discovered it recently. But thanks to WE, I can now enjoy it for 2 solid hours every evening after work. Whoopee! I have to admit, though, that I’m offended on her behalf that WE calls Dharma ‘hippy, dippy, groovy and free’. I mean, the hippy, groovy, free stuff I agree with. The dippy, I think, they just threw in because she’s naive to Greg’s world and, mostly, she’s blonde. Blondes always get a bum wrap.

He of the Great Calves rarely watches it with me, but lately he’s been keeping me company while I watch. The other day he asked me if I thought our relationship was like theirs. Well, um, no…I hadn’t really noticed much. But he did. Apparently I’m the goofy one and he’s the dyed-in-wool conservative. Which I didn’t realize, even after over 10 years of marriage. I mean, we’re both so MOR when it comes to politics.

My personal opinion is that there is never a good candidate, just a ‘not as bad as the rest’ candidate. And that’s who I vote for. There are a few issues I won’t bend on, so I’ll vote against someone if they don’t line up with me on those, but, usually, that’s what makes the other person not as bad; because they agree with me. I thought he felt the same. I still think he does.

Now, I could go on and on about what those hot issues are for me, and it could be delicious fun, but if you disagree with me, you’d feel compelled to tell me what an idiot I am and, after being compared to Dharma, I’m not sure I can handle that particular comment.

Because, after giving it some thought, I think I agree that we are a bit like the TV couple. I tend to dive in to anything that catches my attention, while he tends to dip in a toe, then a foot, then a leg, and then sleep on it before he wades in to his hips. (By the time he’s in the water, I’m almost ready to dry off and take a nap.) My fashion is a little darker than Dharma’s, as I tend to go a bit Bohemian when I can…Bohemian crossed with goth on top of Levi’s, really. It’s a bit odd, but I’ve noticed that Dharma has quite the varied wardrobe as well. From ‘my husband is running for Senate and I look like I could, too’ to ‘my parents were hippies and I’m a hippy and I dare you to say something about it because then I can make you talk about your feelings and make you a better person.’

There are probably more ways we’re alike, too, I just hope one of them isn’t the dippy part.

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A Fresh Start

October 25, 2006 at 3:29 pm (me, myself, I and she)

I’ve been blogging for, oh, years. But I advertise my blog to the world…all my friends know about it, some of my family actually read it, my pictures are all over it, and you can figure out precisely where I live, what chair in what room I sit in, the exact UTM of that chair simply by reading enough of it.

So I have created a new space. People who know me well and find it will probably figure out who I am quickly enough, but most people will remain clueless because, well, they only know one of me. Here will be writings that are, well, more about all of those who live in me. You know, Me, Myself, I and She.

Who else will I write about? Well, there’s my husband, He of the Great Calves, aka The Physicist and, privately at home, The Good Doctor. There are also the pets, Copper Cutie, aka The Perpetually Hopeful One (Hopeful, for short) and Playful Pup, aka The Eternally Joyful One (Happy-Happy, Joy-Joy) are the most beautiful and wonderful golden retrievers ever created by man, The Fish in the Corner of my office, and, occasionally, briefly and clandestinely, those whom I work with at The Shed.

Other characters will show up from time to time and will be named upon their introduction. Or not. Just depends. In any case, I don’t expect to have a lot of readers, but I don’t want to take any chances and corrupt any of the innocent minds that I know. Innocent minds I don’t know aren’t my problem.

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